Why is Web Design Important? | FORTAYmedia

Why is Web Design Important?



Your website is the first thing your customers see when searching for your business. It’s the home base for your online brand and therefore leaving the right impression should be your top priority. A website that is designed well could be the difference between customers using your businesses services or choosing to use your competitors.


So why do Digital Marketing and Web Design agencies continue to encourage your business to pay for a new website?



In short, a responsive website is built to work on every device and every screen size, no matter how large or small, mobile or desktop. We’ve all been there, surfing the internet on our phones and come across a website that doesn’t fit the screen.

The website is difficult to navigate and doesn’t function well, causing most viewers to exit before reading any of the information on the page. If your business’ website isn’t responsive, and doesn’t work on every screen, then this is the most likely routine from people viewing your site. If your web design is responsive, customers are more likely to read what you have to say and therefore use your business.


Brand Consistency

Your website is an important part of your brand. It is most likely going to be the first thing potential customers see regarding your business and therefore leaving the right first impression is key. If your business has a logo (it really should have a logo), this needs to be transferred onto everything that represents your business, including your web design.

Business names are common and sometimes, there may be two of you. Keeping your website consistent with your brand helps to avoid confusion and confirms with your customers that they are viewing the correct website.



Think of your website this way, when someone visits your house, you make sure everything is clean and tidy to leave the right impression. This is the same with web design, if your website is confusing and untidy, people are likely to perceive your business in the same way. Your website isn’t a maze. The layout should be easy to use and all information easy to read and access. No-one’s going to want to revisit your home if you ask them to sit in a pile of newspapers.



Even though good web design is vital for your SEO ranking, it may not always help it. When looking for something on Google, if it’s not on the first page of search results then it doesn’t exist. Where you place on Google is one of the most important aspects for people finding your business or finding your competitors first.

When it comes to SEO and web design, you have to think long term. Design trends will always be changing and evolving but your online presence will last much longer. Your web design may look good, however it may be the reason you’re not on the first page of Google search. Ensuring you have good quality content Google can read and help to rank your page, helps your website become more visible on the internet.


User Experience

Essentially, your website is built for the people using it. If your pictures aren’t attractive or you have too much text, people aren’t going to want to look further than your home page. You only have a few seconds to capture a person’s attention, using your website, before you lose them to a more attractive online page.


Your web design reflects your business, that’s why Digital Marketing and Web Design agencies encourage you to revamp your website.

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