Ricardo Lacombe - Case Study | FORTAYmedia
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“We now have more work than we have ever had””

Ricardo Lacombe, Filmmaker & Videographer

Ricardo Lacombe is a freelance film and video service provider specialising in video editing, digital FX, drone photography, script editing and business assist.

Ricardo had a Hip-Hop Videoclip he needed to produce, for which he needed a green studio. He had limited time because his client was coming all the way up from London.

We make sure we understand our clients’ needs and requirements at all times. That’s why our studio is conveniently located off Sheffield City Centre, as we are aware of the tight timetables our customers may have. We prepare the studio and the equipment in advance, so all is left is to walk in and start filming.

“We literally just walked in and started shooting”

Knowing video production inside out, we were able to provide Ricardo with exactly what he needed: a perfect 4k green studio that is easy to key and ideal for going into de digital effects.

“It doesn’t actually cost as much money as you would think it costs. That little bit of your budget for studio space is worth spending your money on”

“The team are so helpful and respects the project you are doing and they are helpful with the setup. It makes for an all-round great experience”

Ricardo Lacombe, Filmmaker & Videographer