Social Media Video Production Company | FORTAYmedia
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Put Your Customers At The Heart Of The Story Through The Power Of Social Video

Video dominates the world of social media. 53% of customers engage with a brand after watching a video on social media. Investing in social video guarantees to increase engagement, drive sales and boost your brands overall online presence.

Social media videos are an increasingly effective marketing strategy for brands to connect with the audiences across all platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok. 

We at FORTAYmedia help you to create engaging videos for your audience.

What Social Platforms?

With social sites prioritising their algorithms to favour video content, our team skillfully tailor your videos to suit their intended platform, editing them to create the biggest impact possible and enabling your brand to stand out. We offer social media videography services for all the major social media websites. Experience the magic of our social media video production services.

More than 4 billion video views take place on Facebook every day making it a key asset. With Facebook constantly evolving and introducing new features, whilst being the main competitor for YouTube, we ensure your videos are optimised to suit the ever-changing platform

Sponsored Instagram videos generate 3x more comments than sponsored Instagram photos. With the platform making it easy for you to utilise all forms of video including Stories, Live and IGTV don’t miss out on engaging with your audience using video

Video has found its place on Twitter with 2 billion videos being viewed per day. We’ll help you to create videos that drive views into engagement, whether to grow your brand or create awareness of a service or product

LinkedIn drives more than 50% of social traffic to B2B sites and is considered the most credible source of content. It’s no surprise marketers are utilising the platform to further grow their businesses

The video only platform, TikTok’s monthly engagement rate is over 70%. The platform allows brands to engage with users through short, bite-sized clips. Work with us to create fast, engaging videos on a platform that has been downloaded over 1.5 billion times

With billions of people actively engaging with social media platforms across the world, and video content fast becoming the most popular way people receive their content, businesses can’t afford not to utilise social media content.

Vertical Video is the future of brand storytelling

How are you holding your phone? Vertically. When it comes to video marketing and how to incorporate a video marketing strategy at your company, vertical video is that essential modern tactic. Social platforms are embracing Vertical Video with the rise of Instagram and Facebook Stories and YouTube launching a dynamic video player in its mobile app. 

On Facebook, vertical video ads have been found to increase user engagement – specifically in relation to the likelihood of videos being watched with sound. It is also being reported that vertical videos attract almost four times more engagement than square videos on Facebook and 2.5 times more on Twitter. 

According to Facebook Business, 65% of consumers consider brands that advertise with vertical video ‘more innovative’ and 79% consider it more engaging.

Social Media Video Production Sheffield

It’s time to rethink the way we shape video. Your audience are now predominantly browsing vertically, and your videos should match this experience.

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40% of users take some kind of action after viewing a video advert

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52% of consumers prefer pre-recorded video content, while 48% prefer live video content

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Social media posts with video have 48% more views

Moving Content

Picture of a person holding a phone

When we say Social Media Videos, we don’t just mean video – we mean any form of moving content. From GIFs to Live Streams, all forms of moving content on social media can help to increase your company’s online engagement. In a recent study, it was shown that videos on social media generate 12x more shares than text and images combined. 

Social media videos are vital in any marketing strategy and our social media team are here to help you achieve the most out of your videos.  Video designed for social media must open with a strong hook to engage your audience and you need to get the right video length for each platform. Standing out on social media helps you to build your brand. Perception is reality and being seen as a creative company can really pay off when it comes to convincing customers to buy from you.

Join The Best Video Production Company in Sheffield

Our studio is in the heart of the steel city just 5 minutes from Sheffield City Centre. Built in house featuring an infinity green screen and white colorama backdrop, there’s nothing we can’t achieve with our facilities.

Wanting to explore something different? We’re listening.